Magic amulets and talismans – a topic which is of interest for many people. Before you choose any amulet, you need to know – what it is and how it works.
Each piece has its own special energy. Some properties of natural origin, some rated. Their influence can be beneficial and may cause harm.

The choice of his magic amulet depends on many factors. This is the age, gender, and character, and temperament. If you listen to all the advice and recommendations and will select the right mascot can change your whole life.
Each amulet is its purpose. Some are aimed at improving the financial situation, others on maintaining health, and others – to attract happiness and good luck. Try to understand more details.
Magic amulets for money and wealth
Who doesn't want to be rich and successful? To be able to afford to go abroad for vacation, to buy fancy cars or to purchase a large and comfortable home for your family? Perhaps these questions do not require a response – it is obvious.
It turns out that you can help yourself and attract money energy by using a magic money charms.
Very good effect gives a figure of a frog, which sits on a mountain of coins. And if it is to decorate a few small fish with Golden color, the result is immediate.
To in purse always had money, put in a separate pocket, three Chinese coins, tied them in advance like a red thread.
The ancient Slavs were chosen to wear wolf Fang in order to become richer. The wolf is distinguished by its wisdom and power – no matter what circumstances it achieves its goal. So you will not fall down, not to increase his fortune.
One of the strongest talismans Wheel of Fortune. It is especially necessary for those who need to solve financial difficulties in the short term.
Magic amulets for good luck

Magic talismans and charms that attracts good luck, don't hurt anyone of us. There are several ways to produce such a wonderful thing to produce itself, to buy in a special store or find.
Found amulets are considered very strong. A well-known symbol of good luck – the horseshoe. Lucky enough to find a used horseshoe that will be a real achiever.
The same effect has and a leaf of clover with four petals.
All of us in childhood tried to find this symbol of success, pushing clumps of clover.
If you managed to find such a leaf, dry it, and gently put into your wallet or purse.
And sometimes the person is drawn to any subject – for example, to the stone. It is intuition, which suggests that this mineral will fulfill your desires. Listen to the inner voice.
Self-made charms are also effective – because in the process of creation you are sharing with the subject of energy.
Such an object must be activated using simple plots or just mentally uttering the right words. But the purchase amulets require pre-treatment (with a fire or water).
Magic amulets for health
An amulet can be any object – the main thing is to believe in his power and to always carry it with you.
To preserve the health and youth, can use natural charms. This is all kinds of stones, tusks and teeth of animals, leaves and roots of plants. No less powerful, magical amulets, made by yourself.
In the Eastern countries care for their question about their health – care from a young age. Especially positive effect on the human body has a guardian "Chinese dragon".
In addition, it reflects a magical creature – it combines two beginning energy (Yin and Yang). The male energy is represented by a strong bird, and the female – the wise snake.
The uniqueness of the snake is that it is very dangerous and threatens with a deadly bite. But also because snake venom can be rid of pain and suffering – most importantly, know how to use it.
Represents solar energy amulet of the Sun – it fills its owner with strength and zest for life. Noted that such people virtually never get sick, even colds. But on the serious diseases they do not remember.
Guardian maintains physical and mental health. The worst depression goes away within a few days of wearing the amulet!
It is believed that any round object retains the vitality of man. If you don't like to wear jewelry or charms, use a regular ring and a thin bracelet. Your energy will not be spend in vain.
Magic amulets for love

Every woman dreams about the beautiful feeling of love – even if denies it. A magical talisman for love attracts the eyes of men.
This happens on a subconscious level. Around the amulet collects a special aura that affects the thoughts of your partner. And the woman takes power over the powerful. One sweep of the long lashes she can order to do what you want only her.
Thanks to the magic of love amulet you will forget about shyness and will be able to reveal its true character. But still can't be too careful: watch your behavior and don't let love temptations have caused you harm.
A very good result in attracting love gives a beautiful mineral is rose quartz. In its reflections is concentrated universal love.
In many legends that tell of a romantic relationship between a man and a woman, often referred moonstone adularia. He is able to awaken even in the most callous soul with warmth and tenderness.
In the old days lovers exchanged charms with this gem, thus, they swore eternal love and fidelity. It is believed that the magic of the mineral becomes particularly strong during the full moon – energy of the moon awakens in the hearts of the reverie.
All the paired amulets and talismans to attract love feelings. They are suitable for those who are in search of their halves, and for those who already is in a relationship and wants to support them.
For example, it can be two hearts fused together, or two pigeons touching their heads.
Another magic talisman for love is a butterfly. If you choose the interior for your bedroom, don't forget about this symbol. Pick a delicate pattern with fluttering butterflies, lamp or figurine. Believe me, your sex life will always be varied and hot.
In China, the tribute to give flowers. In this country it is believed that peonies are a strong symbol of marriage and help the girl to get married. These flowers symbolize prosperity, renewal, spring – fresh flavor revered by the emperors. Hang in his bedroom a painting with peonies or Wallpaper on the subject – thereby you will attract into your life thin love vibration and as a result life partner.
The amulets cash for business

People who know exactly what they want, understand – without money and productive labour is impossible to achieve success. It is important not only to be able to earn money and be able to keep them safe and guide on a profitable business.
Many wealthy people enjoy the amulet "Cash Swastika" is a very powerful and effective magic talisman, is indispensable in conducting business.
Experienced entrepreneurs call it the key to financial prosperity.
The most common of amulets for business – bronze swastika, but are popular and other materials for the manufacture of amulets.
Such is the magic amulet of the four runes:
- Algiz – the incarnation of the great energy of the Universe. When a person is filled with her, his life's potential grows. An ancient symbol also protects its owner from evil people, from the negative. A businessman who uses the Algiz, you need not worry about unhealthy competition and meanness of envy – rune will disperse all enemies.
- Fehu is the rune which gives very good results in the monetary sphere. It helps to deal with problems, lead to the desired answer, directs to the correct decision. This rune is a guarantee of stability.
- The soul a symbol of victory. It is filled with God's flame that does not burn, and brings forth a spark in the heart.
- Gebo – the connection of all the previous characters together. Thanks to the Gebo rune can work in full force – and become a fully aktiviziruyutsya.
A runic formula for business includes 13 characters rune: Algiz, Fehu and soul are repeated four times, and Gebo – one.
Cash the swastika has another name – the amulet of the millionaire. Over time it will lead you to tremendous wealth and prosperity of the business.
These amulets known around the world – and the most successful people know about them.
Runic amulets for magic
Sometimes people are skeptical to the symbols of the runes, but, in fact, they represent a huge force, long used to their advantage.
In the ancient world was a magical system: stavy, amulets with runes, magic formulas, and magical drawings.
Some of them have not survived to our times, but, despite numerous attempts by the Inquisition and authorities to destroy the ancient symbols most of the symbols used so far.
All magical charms (made of wood, metal, leather), which bear runic formulas that turn into generators of spiritual energy. Magic runes miraculously it all works and all aspects of its activities.
It is important to remember that the influence can be both positive and negative. Before you start to use magic runes – chat with an expert on the topic.
If you penetrate the mysteries of the runic symbols, will be able to make magical items.
Rules of making magical amulets

If you internally feel that you are fully prepared – you can try to make a personal defensive item.
I suggest to stick to a certain set of rules during the manufacture of a talisman:
- Determine exactly why you want to acquire talisman.
- Prepare in advance several so-called natural energy. Each of them should represent one of the elements – water, fire, air and earth. This can be a glass of water, candle, aroma sticks, a handful of soil.
- If you want an amulet made of metal – melt it and formed into the desired shape. In the process recite (mentally or aloud) your desire. Try all of his energy to send for the next talisman. If you choose wood as the material for production is slowly cut out all the parts and symbols.
- Now pick up magic item and imagine how the energy flows through your palms and penetrates talisman. Continue the procedure for ten minutes. Activation is necessary upon first use of the amulet, and you should repeat it at least once a month.